Revenue Generation Strategist
Culture Index: The Persuader • Enneagram: 7 The Enthusiast
There are lots of titles or labels here, but simply involve Scott when you want to talk about revenue. Your revenue. If Intersection isn’t helping you make more money, then we aren’t doing our job.
Many in the advertising business get too caught up in the art; Scott is most interested in the music of making the cash register sing.
While getting paid by the column inch as a reporter at age 13 for the Carmel Topics and writing 30 page papers weekly as an English major at Wabash College, Scott became a word nerd. But in the process of producing over 1,000 television commercials early in his ad career, Scott came to know that brevity is the soul of wit. And connective brevity is the key to growing businesses and brands.
In a world where we are exposed to over 5,000 advertising messages a day, strategy and brevity are the keys to revenue generation.
After leaving Eli Lilly due to boredom, he helped grow Rutter Communications from five employees to over 100, helped found Joseph David Advertising, and has written mission statements for over 50 companies and universities around the country. He’s been a “Salesperson of the Year,” has been a national sales manager for a coast to coast media company, and has raised millions of dollars for numerous not-for-profit capital and annual campaigns.
Scott’s favorite quote is ‘never let your schooling interfere with your education’ and believes in self discovery through adventure travel. He has hiked the Great Wall at Simatai and Torres Del Paine in Patagonia, gone Rim to Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon, has skydived, and even bungee jumped from a balloon. But his scariest and most rewarding moments have come in helping raise 3 kids (Madison, 22, Gehrig, 20 and Athena, 10) and three dogs (Abby, 11, Winston 10, and George 1) with his wife of 22 years, Tara.